It was a bad day for Kyle Busch in the Lenox Industrial Tools 301. An early cut tire sent Busch into the wall and out of contention for a good finish. Later in the event, Busch was penalized twice, once for speeding in the pits and once for his car not being in his pit box during a stop. These were the first two pit related penalties for Busch in the 2011 season.
Penalty Report - New Hampshire:
Car#, Lap, Reason, Penalty
#18 Kyle Busch, 59, Pitting before pit road is open, Garage
#2 Brad Keselowski, 144, Pitting before pit road is open, Garage
#32 Mike Bliss, 146, Speed-Exiting pits, Tail of Field
#30 David Stremme, 160, Pitting before pit road is open, Garage
#18 Kyle Busch, 163, Speed-Exiting pits, Tail of Field
#5 Mark Martin, 185, Pitting before pit road is open, Tail of Field
#18 Kyle Busch, 186, Car/Truck pitting out of the assigned pit box, Held 1 lap
#48 Jimmie Johnson, 217, Lug nut(s) not installed, Must Come In
#83 Brian Vickers, 225, Pitting before pit road is open, Garage
#88 Dale Earnhardt, Jr., 241, Outside half of the pit box tire violation/Team member not in contact with the outside tires, Tail of Field
Thank you to NASCAR Statistics and for the information.